Transfer Account Ownership to Another Member of Your Workspace
How to Transfer Account Ownership
Organizational roles may change at any time and we have ensured that your account management abilities are flexible. Only account owners may share or transfer account ownership to other current team members. Transferring account owners can be done at any time, but please remember - the transferral of ownership will allow designated team members to have full control of the team dashboard. Explore other membership levels (Manager+Billing, Manager, Team Member) before granting owner privileges.

To transfer ownership:
- From the dashboard, select Team from the toolbar.
- Choose Team Management from the left sidebar. At the bottom of the page, you will find a list of all team members.
- Select the team member that you would like to transfer ownership and click the Edit Role button.
- Click the Owner role from the Manage Role pop up list.
- Click Save.
- If the original account owner wishes to leave the team completely, click Leave This Team.
- Confirm that you would like to in the Leave Team pop up message by clicking the red Leave button.
That’s it. The role transferral will take effect immediately.