Add A Team Member To Your Workspace

Punchlist makes it easy to add individuals to your team to get your Workspace up and going — and adding team members to your Punchlist Workspace is an important step to make sure no project feedback falls through the cracks. When inviting a new member to collaborate with your team, you are required to assign that individual with a role. We have four different member role assignments to choose from. Be sure to explore each different role and their unique permission set to ensure the proper security measures are in place. 

To add a teammate:

  1. From the workspace dashboard, select Team from the toolbar. 
  2. Choose Team Management from the left sidebar.
  3. In the Email textbox, type the email address of the new teammate you would like to add. 
  4. Next, select the desired role you would like the new member to fill (Manager + Billing, Manager, or Team Member). If you would like the new member to be an Owner, select any role for now and once the team member accepts, you can transfer account ownership.
  5. Click the Add button. An email will be sent to the new team member and they will be prompted to accept the invitation. Here is what your new team member will see:
  1. While their acceptance is pending, their name will remain under the Pending Team Invitations list on the Team Management page. Once the invitation has been accepted, the new team member will be listed at the bottom of the Team Management page under Team Members.

That’s it! Now you can start collaborating with your team in Punchlist!

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