Set Due Dates With Automatic Followup Nudges

Let Punchlist handle the follow-up for you with automatic email reminders, to help you collect feedback on time, every time.

If you like the idea of a set-it-and-forget-it feedback machine without having to do a bunch of email followup, this feature is going to make your life a whole lot easier:

Due Dates and Automatic Nudges.

Why spend time reminding your client or teammate that their feedback is due? With “Due Dates” in Punchlist, it’s as easy as selecting a date on the calendar, then we’ll take care of the rest.

share button in Punchlist app

How to set up Due Dates with Automatic Nudges:

  1. Create a New Project (or access an existing Project in your Dashboard).
  2. On the Share / Invite page, add Teammates by typing in their Email addresses. (This screen pops up right after you Create a New Project, or you can manually navigate to the “Share” button in the top right navigation while inside a Project.)
  3. Next, select a Due Date from the dropdown calendar.
  4. Click Send Invite.
Share a Punchlist project with Due Dates and automatic client reminders

Boom. Punchlist takes care of the rest.

We’ll send your Teammates automatic reminders to ensure they give you feedback on time.

These reminder nudges go out 3 days before, and 1 day before the Due Date you set, and these notifications will contain custom information tailored to your project:

  • Project Name
  • Due Date
  • Button that takes them straight to your Project for feedback with 1 click

Here’s what that looks like on their end:

Punchlist Project Invite - Email Notification with Due Date

Reminder: It’s always free for your Guests to give feedback on a Project, and they don’t even need to sign up for a Punchlist account.

That being said, it is best practice to have them at least fill out their Name, so you know who is giving specific feedback (rather than Anonymous) – especially for Teams with multiple stakeholders.

Voila! Now you’ve got yourself a semi-automatic client management machine.

And you can spend less time following up – more time creating.

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